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Группы : Дискографии


The Sword: "Apocryphon" – 2012

энциклопедия: The Sword

Состав группы:

  • Bryan Richie – бас
  • Kyle Shutt – гитара
  • J. D. Cronise – вокал, гитара
  • Santiago Vela III – ударные

The Sword: "Apocryphon" – 2012


  1. The Veil Of Isis
  2. Cloak Of Feathers
  3. Arcane Montane
  4. The Hidden Masters
  5. Dying Earth
  6. Execrator
  7. Seven Sisters
  8. Hawks And Serpents
  9. Eyes Of The Stormwitch
  10. Apocryphon


1. The Veil Of Isis

As the night arrives the day concedes her crown
In the dying light the shadows grow
When the world is dark and still without a sound
That which was hidden is shown

Years of sorrow flood the land
All that has been shall be again
The dead will rise and
The living must depart
And what if all you've seen are lies
When the veil lifts from your eyes
And you face the infinite
With fear in your heart?

The wind blows cold and the days being to wane
The lord of the dead assumes his throne
When men have gone and only ghosts remain
That which was secret is known

Tears of sorrow flood the land
All that has been shall be again
And the moon shines over the sea
As the mother of man
Somewhere seven ships collide
And seven sailors lose their lives
But their voyage continues
On the other side

As above,
So below
Queen of Heaven
She who knows

2. Cloak Of Feathers

She wore a cloak of feathers
And rode a mare of purest white
A silver chalice in her hand
A look of sadness in her eyes
A thing of beauty to behold
But a sorrow to possess
She'll take all that you offer
Until there's nothing left

Face hidden in shadow
Beneath a hood of quills
The pinion of her raiment
Conceal all her ills

Beneath her cloak of feathers
Lies a body soft and fine
Eyes of hazel green
Flowing hair as dark as wine
A thing of beauty to remember
But a sorrow to forget
She took all that i gave her
Till there was nothing left

Of owl and of raven
Of peacock and dove
Of swan and sparrow
Woven with her love
Face hidden in shadow
Beneath a hood of quills
The pinions of her raiment
Conceal her ills

3. Arcane Montane

Tell me, oh mountain
What secrets do you hold
Buried deep beneath the earth
In hidden vaults of stone?
Has ever man in all his days
Climbed your mighty slopes
To behold the gods as they danced
And listen as they spoke?

Tell me,
Oh mountain,
Your secrets
Hear me, oh spirits
For I would ask of thee
Locate a lass who's fair of form
And deliver her to me

The road can be a lonely
Place to pass the time
Watching and waiting
As the miles roll by

Hear me,
Oh spirits!
Lend me your aid

Tell me, oh mountain
What secrets do you hold
Shrouded on your misty peaks
Or deep within your bones?

Tell me,
Oh mountain
Your deepest secrets

4. The Hidden Masters

When the days become as dark as night
And the world begins to change
There are those of you who'll die for fright
Or tear your eyes out from the pain
Your gilded houses will give no shelter
When the heavens fall
Your sacred tomes will give no answers
When the masters call

Forgotten ages unknown to man
Before we crawled out from our caves
Exalted patrons of earthly clans
Elevation of their slaves
Your gilded houses will give no shelter
When the heavens fall
Your sacred tomes will give no answers
When the masters call

Look at yourselves
Look at your world
What have you done?
What have you become?

Look at yourselves
Look at your world
What have you done?
What have you become?

5. Dying Earth

Beneath a dimming sun great cities moulder and decay
In brooding nights of gloom and on through melancholy days
In the manses of the mages great magics still hold sway
And those who dwell within are wont to say

As the sun fades from the sky
This ancient earth prepares to die
Here at the end of all time
A slow demise so saturnine

As aeons pass unheeded subtle sorcerers parlay
Among the haunted hills strange creatures stalk unwary prey
There may come no tomorrow so all live for today
And the crimson twilight turns to grey

As the earth prepares to die
The waning sun fades from the sky
Here at the end of all time
Our slow demise becomes sublime

6. Execrator

They speed us unto our doom
Turn the earth into our tomb
Deserving no less than death

They know nothing
They give nothing
They love nothing
They are nothing

Your life is insignificant
Your thoughts are of no consequence
All that you know will one day be gone

You know nothing
You see nothing
You get nothing
You are nothing

7. Seven Sisters

Is the time right to find a new religion
Under the ground way down below
Into the light with fear and superstition
Stumbling around and down she goes

Oh, she wonders
How much there is to know
And how long it will take her
To reap what can be sown

Seven sisters sobbing by the shore
Longing for the lost loves whose ships sail no more
Waiting as the hours pass them by
Growing weak and weary as one by one they die

Is the time right to find a new religion
Under the ground way down below
Into the light – forget your superstition
Follow the sound on down the road

Oh, he wonders
How much there is to know
And how long it will take him
To learn it as he goes
Spring submits to summer
Summer bows to fall
Autumn's leaves lay down and die
At the winter's beck and call

Seven sisters sobbing by the shore
Longing for their lost loves whose ships sail no more
Waiting as the hours pass them by
Growing weak and weary until one by one they die

8. Hawks And Serpents

They're coming for us in the dead of night
They won't ignore us
Prepare to fight
We knew this day would come
Blackened souls fed by fear and hatred
Come to defile that which we hold sacred
It's them or us
That's all they know

From the darkness the roar of engines
They ask no quarter, none shall be given
They come to claim all that you own
Hear the sound, see the lights in the distance
It's coming down – the battle for existence
Show no mercy
They'll take all they can

Set aside your peaceful ways
Prepare for war
Melt down your ploughshares
And take up your swords
We will see the flesh laid low
The bodies fall
The Most High that none may know
Watches us all

They're coming for us in the dead of night
They won't ignore us
Prepare to fight
They come to kill
That's all they know

Set aside your peaceful ways
Prepare for war
Melt down your ploughshares
And take up your swords
We will see the flesh laid low
The bodies fall
The Most High that non may know
Watches us all

9. Eyes Of The Stormwitch

Summoning spirits of dread
Before an altar of sacred fire
She sings the hymns of the dead
Glorifying her holy sire

A goddess in human form
Dark hair crown with a glowing nimbus
She has the eyes of the storm
Like the sea in a raging tempest

So strikes the Queen Of The Air
Like a blow from a titan's hammer
Let mortal women beware
For none can match her unearthly glamour

10. Apocryphon

Set adrift in the multiverse.
On the whims of fate.
In thrall to the demiurge.
We all await escape.

Darkness and light entwine.
Everything is all the time.
All around you points alive.
Everything is all the time.

From beyond the waveform, breaching the wall.
Giving birth to a universe, mother of all.
Living information, transverging space-time.
Flowing down from the over world, into the mind of mankind.

Darkness and light entwine.
Everything is all the time.
All around you points alive.
Everything is all the time.

You want to live for eternity.
To see behind the veil.
Everything comes around again.
The serpent eats its tail.

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